Upload your own pictures so you have your beloved memories always with you on your watch.
Enter your code
This is not a valid code.
Submit the code displayed on your watch.
Do you like what I create?
If your like this application, please don't forget to leave a rating in the Connect IQ Store. It really helps for the visiblity off the app, which will keep it alive. In the end this will benefit both of us.
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Thanks! I do my very best to create nice and premium apps & clocks for smartwatches. I put a lot of time and effort in these to create the best possible quality. Follow the button below the checkout my other products on my main website.
I lost my code!
You can always retreive your code again by scrolling down through your pictures on the full-screen pages. When you reached the last one, the page after that will show your code to enter on this website.
I already paid, why am I charged again?
You won't have to pay again for this app. You can simply unlock it again by following the unlock flow underneath the green 'buy now' button.
I bought your bundle, how do I unlock the other apps / clocks?
When you bought the bundle, you should’ve received a confirmation email, in this email, all the included clocks are listed. When you follow the links in that mail on your phone, the clocks will open in the Connect IQ Store. Afterwards install the app/clock to your watch. Then just follow the payment flow, and on the page where you have to enter the new 5-digit code, choose for ‘unlock for free’ on the bottom of the page.
If you lost that confirmation email, you can use https://k-pay.io/lookup to get a list of the clocks and apps you own.
I have a suggestion to add something extra to your app! Will you implement it?
Please contact me with your idea. I will consider it and if it is a great idea, I will add it for sure! I always like it with when people think with me to improve stuff.
Do you have a privacy policy?
Yes, you can find it here: Privacy Policy
Contact me
Couldn't find your question and / or answer above? Do you have a feature request or want to send some nice words? Just send me an email and I will be happy to help. I aim to answer within 24 hours. Although it might happen that I'm on holiday. Anyway, I'll try to respond as soon as possible.
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