Hi there! I'm Wim Van Aerschot and this is my hobby project! I create apps and clocks for Fitbit, Garmin & Pebble. On this page you can find a nice overview of what I have created, check some frequently asked questions (FAQ) or contact me I you have any questions or suggestions. Enjoy!
Shift Calendar
Get an overview of your shifts in a glance with this handy calendar app! This app was made in collaboration with Supeerb. This is also why it is not included in any of my bundles.
Love Geocaching? Search for Geocaches with the help of this app on your Fitbit! Powered by Geocaching HQ
Do you like what I create?
Thanks! I do my very best to create nice and premium apps & clocks for smartwatches from Fitbit, Garmin & Pebble. Please leave a 5-star review if you like a product, it will increase its visibility in the stores, which makes it more popular, which helps me investing time in your favorite products to keep them up to date and add features!

I downloaded a watchface/app for free and now see a message that a payment is required.
That's correct indeed, as the free BETA period is over now. There are two ways to initiate the purchase:
1) Go to the detail page of the watchface online on apps.garmin.com and purchase it in there. Make sure to sync your watch in Garmin Connect afterwards.
2) Or initiate the purchase by uninstalling it, and then install it again.
I want a refund.
If you purchased through KPAY, please get in touch with me so I can assist you with this within 30 days of your purchase. If you purchased through Garmin Pay, you can manage the refund yourself in your account on apps.garmin.com within 48 hours of your purchase.
garmin pay payment purchaseI bought your bundle, how do I unlock the other apps / clocks?
When you bought the bundle, you should’ve received a confirmation email, in this email, all the included clocks are listed. When you follow the links in that mail on your phone, the clocks will open in the Fitbit gallery. You will have to select ‘OPEN APP’ . Afterwards you can install the clock from the Fitbit app. Then just follow the payment flow and on the page where you have to enter the new 6-digit code, choose for ‘unlock for free’ on the bottom of the page.
If you lost that confirmation email, you can use https://k-pay.io/lookup to get a list of the clocks and apps you own.
I already paid, why am I charged again?
You won't have to pay again for this app / clock. You can simply unlock it again for free by clicking here. Please follow the instructions on this page (enter 6-digit code and your email address) and the app / clock will unlock itself.
kpay kzl kzl.io k-pay kiezelpay Rain Snow Rainalog Snake Sequences Flights Flights Near Activity Activity Matrix Currencies Aurora Flowers Balance Gothic Analogue City Bikes Leaves Geomtery Goals Shift Calendar Fauna Compete Sea Bouquet Speckles Garden Blossom Hearts Sakura Fur AirborneIt says 'starting purchase', and nothing happens!
This sometimes happens when your watch lost its internet connection. Please make sure your phone has a stable internet connection and sync your phone with your watch via the Fitbit app. Afterwards, open the Today app on your Fitbit (swipe up), make sure to keep your watch near your phone, and try again.
kpay kzl kzl.io k-pay kiezelpay Rain Snow Rainalog Snake Sequences Flights Flights Near Activity Activity Matrix Currencies Aurora Flowers Balance Gothic Analogue City Bikes Leaves Geomtery Goals Shift Calendar Fauna Compete Sea Bouquet Speckles Garden Blossom Hearts Sakura Fur AirborneI have a suggestion to add something extra to your app / clock! Will you implement it?
Please contact me with your idea. I will consider it and if it is a great idea, I will add it for sure! I always like it with when people think with me to improve stuff.
Rain Snow Rainalog Snake Sequences Flights Flights Near Activity Activity Matrix Currencies Disks Photo Flags Aurora Flowers Balance Gothic Analogue Level City Bikes Leaves Geomtery Goals Shift Calendar Fauna Compete Sea Bouquet Speckles Garden Blossom Hearts Sakura Fur AirborneI get a 'connection lost' message on your app / clock. Please fix this!
This sometimes occurs when your Fitbit lost its connection with your phone. Sync the Fitbit app on your phone with your device. When it's finished, swipe up the Today app from your clock and leave it open for a few seconds. This restores its connection. Then open my app / clock again and these issues should be resolved. If not, please restart your Fitbit and your phone, and start with opening the Today app again on your Fitbit and open the Fitbit app on your phone and start the syncing process. The connection should be fine again now.
Rain Flights Flights Near Currencies City Bikes CompeteMy clock is in 24h time! How do I set it to 12h time (or vice versa)?
For displaying the time I’m using a setting of your Fitbit profile. You can change this in your account on the the Fitbit website (it is a user preference there). You can find it on this page: https://www.fitbit.com/settings/profile. It will show you your Personal Info. Scroll down and select CLOCK DISPLAY TIME. Make sure to sync your watch again with your phone after you've changed this setting.
Activity Activity Matrix Flags Photo Aurora Balance Flowers Gothic Analogue Leaves Geomtery Goals Fauna Compete Sea Bouquet Speckles Garden Blossom Hearts Sakura Fur AirborneCan you please add another flag to Flags?
Of course I will! I might have forgotten some countries. Just contact me with the flag you would like to add to the clock. I will add it in the next update of the Flags clock. In te meantime you can download my Photo clock and upload your flag in there. It looks and behaves exactly the same as flags
FlagsYour Flags clock doesn't load onto my Fitbit. What's the problem?
Flags is a huge clock (it contains a lot of image files of all flags of the world) and takes a while to download. Please be patient and make sure your watch is connected to WiFi and nearby the router.
FlagsDoes your Sequences app support GPS?
No, not at the moment. But this is on the roadmap and I aim to implement this before the end of 2019.
SequencesI do not want to purchase this app / clockface. How do I stop these messages?
These messages are shown because you are using a paid app or clockface. If you do not want to pay for the app or clockface, remove the app, or install another clockface from the store, and the messages will automatically stop. All clockfaces and apps clearly mention in their description if they are paid or not, so it should not be hard to find a free one instead.
kpay kzl kzl.io k-pay kiezelpay Rain Snow Rainalog Snake Sequences Flights Flights Near Activity Activity Matrix Currencies City Bikes Aurora Balance Gothic Analogue Flowers Leaves Geomtery Goals Shift Calendar Fauna Compete Sea Bouquet Speckles Garden Blossom Hearts Sakura Fur AirborneYour clock is faulty! My Fitbit shows 'Clock Error' when I try to install yours.
Sometimes it occurs that when installing clocks this message pops up. The clock is not broken, you have to wait till it completes installation. You can always swipe up the today app and go back to the clock to try and fix this.
Activity Activity Matrix Disks Photo Flags Aurora Balance Gothic Analogue Flowers Leaves Geomtery Goals Fauna Compete Sea Bouquet Speckles Garden Blossom Hearts Sakura Fur AirborneThe settings / configuration of your app / clock does not sync with the watch.
This sometimes occurs when your Fitbit lost its connection with your phone. Open the Fitbit app on your phone and sync it with your device. When it's done, swipe up the Today app from your clock and leave it open for a few seconds. This restores its connection. Afterwards open the app / clock and open its settings. Adjust something in the settings and they will sync again.
Rain Sequences Flights Flights Near Activity Activity Matrix Currencies Disks Photo Flags City Bikes Aurora Flowers Balance Gothic Analogue Leaves Geomtery Shift Calendar Fauna Compete Sea Bouquet Speckles Garden Blossom Hearts Sakura Fur AirborneI bought your bundle, how do I unlock the other apps / clocks?
When you bought the bundle, you should’ve received a confirmation email, in this email, all the included clocks are listed. When you follow the links in that mail on your phone, the clocks will open in the Connect IQ Store. Afterwards install the app/clock to your watch. Then just follow the payment flow, and on the page where you have to enter the new 6-digit code, choose for ‘unlock for free’ on the bottom of the page.
If you lost that confirmation email, you can use https://k-pay.io/lookup to get a list of the clocks and apps you own.
I want to set up CGM.
You’ll need to set up the separate CGM Connect app on your watch and get this working first: CGM Connect. Once this is set up and working, you’ll need to enable the ‘Enable Complications for external watchface’ option in the bottom of the settings of this CGM Connect app. Afterwards you should be able to select the CGM field on this watchface.
cgm dexcom dexxcom Libre xDrip Nightscout glucose diabetesContact me
Couldn't find your question and / or answer above? Do you have a feature request or want to send some nice words? Just send me an email and I will be happy to help. I aim to answer within 24 hours. Although it might happen that I'm on holiday. Anyway, I'll try to respond as soon as possible.
Want to be the first to get updates or sneak peaks of new projects I'm working on? I'll keep you posted via Twitter and Instagram!